Kamis, 13 September 2012

Gianluca Vialli on Chelsea against Juventus

Juventus goal - Gianluca Vialli can not wait to watch the match between Chelsea against Juventus in the middle of next week. Vialli was played for two teams and is still regarded as being a favorite for their fans.

Chelsea and Juve will compete in the inaugural match of the Champions League group stage on 19 September at Stamford Bridge. Chelsea are the defending champions and Juve have a great tradition.

"This will be the fight of proof. Juve return to the Champions League after an absence of several years. Juve this season will be used to build the future. While Chelsea had to start again without the presence of Didier Drogba. Chelsea also has undergone major changes this summer," Vialli said as reported by Tuttosport.

Vialli who won the Champions League with Juventus believed that the Bianconeri have enough strength to do well in Europe. Juve will be able to compete with the game relying on intensity and tend to like to attack.

Juve transfer strategy also makes Vialli satisfied. Vialli think Juve able to bring in good players without having to pay an outrageous price like some of the new wealthy European clubs.

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