Kamis, 13 September 2012

Alexander Merkel: Juventus team solid

Juventus goal . Ahead of the match against Juventus this weekend, Genoa midfielder Alexander Merkel praise issued to the candidate's opponent. At a press conference, Merkel admitted Bianconeri can not see the flaws, but his team still have to try to get points.

"I do not see any weakness in the Juventus squad, but there is no harm in trying to fight back," said Merkel.

"We're going to play like a team with high spirit and humility hopefully will bring positive results."

"Technically, we will no longer attempt to repeat such a fundamental error that occurs when dealing with Catania."

Marco Borriello is likely to become a mainstay on the front lines and Markel Grifone provide support to his team-mates to score.

"Great striker Borriello, everyone knows this fact. Hopefully he'll be able to print one or two goals."

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